New Movers
Find out who is moving into your mission field.
  • A weekly list of up to 25 households that have moved into a 15-mile radius of your organization.

  • The list includes name, address, and how many miles they moved from their last address.

  • Weekly movers are also plotted on your map and can be filtered to show the most recent movers.

  • As an administrator, you will receive a list of the Lights and new movers that were connected.

  • These people are more likely to accept an invitation to your church as they are possibly looking for a new church home or new community to join.

  • When combined with the Bless Partner addon, new movers can be paired with your affiliated Lights who have opted in to visit new movers in their neighborhoods. Your Lights receive an automatic email notification asking them to pray for and visit the new mover assigned to them.

Tutorial Video
This tutorial video gives a quick introduction to organizations who have already subscribed to our New Movers program on how to use its features. Watch it to understand how your church will benefit from this service.
Add New Movers
Monthly plan
$25 / month
Yearly plan
$270 / year
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Other addons
Bless Partner
Get better optics on your members missional impact on their neighbors using the BLESS practices.
Help your members become Lights for Christ in their neighborhoods. Use this addon to follow each of your individual Light's pray-care-share progress in detail. Visualize your coverage on maps. Learn the names and addresses of homes being prayed for.
Community Connector
Demographic data, mapping and mailing lists.
The Community Connector gives you an unparalleled look at nearly every home in your area. This service gives you the most comprehensive toolset to connect with your community. The best way to reach people is to know who you are reaching.
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